
Ferguson Road Vision Study Town Hall Meeting

The Communities By Design Committee provides Pro Bono assistance to neighborhood groups at early stages of development. The Ferguson Road Initiative (FRI) is sponsoring a visioning workshop for improvements to the Ferguson Road Corridor. They are expecting a significant number of community stakeholders at their workshop and need help facilitating the visioning Town Hall Meeting. A member of AIADallas, Omniplan, is also offering Pro Bono assistance. If you are an AIA member and interested in helping, please email aiadallascxd@gmail.com.

Below is the invitation from FRI to the stakeholders with location and date information for the Town Hall Meeting:

Please join us as we collaborate on a vision for future development and revitalization of the Ferguson Road Corridor. We will explain the goals of the visioning process and then break-out into smaller work sessions to better target the concerns of the community.

Tuesday, January 18th at 7:00 pm

Epsicopal Church of the Resurrection
11540 Ferguson Road

Dallas, TX 75228-1825
(972) 279-6501